Thursday, July 23, 2015

Prayer is critical

Please pray for...

  • Health for our team. Satan is already working to undermine the health of several team members before we depart.
  • Spiritual readiness for our team. Pray that we would be sensitive to every opportunity to share the gospel. 
  • Safe travel and good connections. The last two times we have traveled to Peru, we have missed our flight connections and lost a day of ministry. 
  • The families of our team members who will be remaining in the States. It can be a difficult time for those who remain behind. 

  • The hearts and souls of the Peruvian people. In general, Peruvians are a very gracious and open culture, and they are receptive to the gospel when it is shared clearly. 
  • Our Peruvian ministry partners: The Kennedy family; Peggy Moran; Pastor David; our translators; New Life Children's Home; and New Life Baptist Church.
  • Financial support for the Kennedy family and New Life Children's Home. They receive no denominational support and must raise the finances to stay on the field and continue the ministry of NLCH and the churches that have been planted.
  • The Lord to be glorified. That is the ultimate goal for the entire trip - honor and glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ.

  • 1 comment:

    1. Praying for all of you. I'm so thankful we were able to repair the vehicle for them.
      the Holding tank really burdened me that these children will be cared for and fed and clothed. I'm praying for them especially
      Love you guys and look forward to all your testimonies when you get home.Linda Ditman
