We began our day with a delicious breakfast, and after our morning devotional, we went for a tour of the New Life Children School. This school was built upon a dream and has now become a reality. Ninety children, more than was what expected, are enrolled this year. It was great to see the smiling faces of the happy children in every classroom. We met the principal and teachers who love and serve the Lord. Leaving the school, we headed to the Indian Market. At the Indian Market, vendors sell beautiful art and colorful textiles as well as other souvenirs. Our interpreters helped us to negotiate prices and we walked away with great bargains. We left the Indian Market content and planned to find a pretty spot to eat lunch. Sometimes plans change, so we parked the bus beside a busy road and enjoyed our sandwiches, watching the cars go by. Convenience was priority in this - we are easy to please! We stopped at the store before returning back to the children's home to buy groceries for tomorrow's soup kitchen excursion. When we arrived back at the children's home, our assignment was to chop up vegetables and hot dogs to expedite
tomorrow's cooking process. We had delicious supper, followed by our evening devotions. But our highlight of the day was delivering blankets and distributing bibles to the people in Estellitas. This is a poor community near by that is growing in population. Pastor Rob shared the message of salvation to about 150 people who congregated in one small room. They were hungry to hear the Word and many accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We handed out Bibles and blankets, which were received with gratitude. A little girl even said, "Now I will sleep warm tonight." What a blessing! But after all the blankets had been given away, a lady walked up with a ticket to claim her blanket. Sadly, all the blankets were gone as she had arrived too late. It reminded us of the urgency to proclaim the gospel because one day it will be too late. At that point, God will close the door and no one else will be able to enter heaven. That only confirms how important our mission is - not just here in Peru, but also at home.
Matthew 25:13
While the angels rejoiced in heaven after so many gave their lives to Christ; We rejoiced with them with songs of praise.
Velad, pues, por ques no sabies el dia ni la hora en que el Hijo del hombre ha de venir.
Posted by Maricela Wyand and Mary-Catherine Slaughter
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